Two Excellent Posts...
... that I read today that I find myself agreeing with.
The first one I'm not sure where I got the link from, but here it is: The Politics of Victimization I found it to be surprisingly accurate.
The other I'm just going to quote here cause it's actually a reader response to one of Atrios' posts on Eschaton but I found it very apt to describe how the left and right view money.
The left believes the economy exists to serve people and human needs - that we are human beings and citizens before we are consumers and taxpayers. When, in the logical course of economic operation, the economy becomes destructive of those needs, then the economy should and shall be regulated to better serve people.Only too true.
The right, based on what they say, believes that people exist to serve the economy - that we are consumers and taxpayers before we are human beings and citizens. When, in the logical course of economic operation, the economy becomes destructive of those needs, then people should adjust or go under rather than distort the pursuit of profit.
The left views a modicum of economic inefficiency as a necessary price for human happiness. The right accepts a modicum of human misery as a necessary price for economic efficiency.
Filed under Reveries & Paranoias and Politics & B.S.
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