I am Gay, but NOT a Hooker
Okay, Tom Tomorrow addresses this in this blog entry and it's one of the things since this whole Gannon/Guckert thing began that has REALLY irked me.
How does pointing out that a gay hooker in the White House doesn't belong there mean we're against gay rights?
In order to jump to this conclusion, there must be the end result of all gays are hookers and therefore to be anti-gay hookers is to be anti-gay.
For the record, I have never paid for sex... well at least in money. I've paid for it in blood and sweat and tears, that's for sure. AND, I've never made anyone pay to have sex with me. AND I'M ANTI-HYPOCRISY. For the record too, I see NOTHING wrong with paying for sex or getting paid for sex. I actually wanted to try a hooker in Amsterdam but never got drunk enough to really go through with it.
However, I do want to congratulate you conservatives on making this BIG leap towards progressiveness. I mean, geeze, here you are, wanting to make changes in our constitution to ensure that we gays NEVER get the right to visit our loved ones if they're dying in the hospital, that we cannot pass on property to the person we shared our lives with, that my assets go towards relatives who tolerated me instead of the one who gave her all for me.
But Congratulations... you're saying it's okay for us to get paid for sex. By the way, do you know who pays us for sex? It's the straight married ones who have to pay for it... cause they're the ones who have to sneak. So make it legit. Let us service yours, that you can't service yourself. You friggin hypocrites.
Filed under Politics & B.S. and Scary Gay Stuff.
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